Skin rejuvenation

Skin rejuvenation

What is skin rejuvenation?

During the process of aging, we lose our skin collagen and elastin, which is the main ingredients for tighter skin and a youthful appearance. As we lose collagen and elastin, the outer layer of skin becomes thinner, aging spots increase, and the skin strength and elasticity decrease in the connective tissue.
Skin becomes dry due to the decreased production of oil. There are many treatment options in aesthetic medicine which prevent or postpone the signs of aging. Most of the skin rejuvenation modalities are based on the renewal of skin cells and increasing collagen/elastin production to decrease wrinkles make skin appear more radiant.

How does skin rejuvenation work?

The skin rejuvenation procedure consists of stimulating the skin and increase the renewal of the cells. At Sunny Aesthetic, we develop the technical process of rejuvenation. Various aesthetic medical care techniques are available to encourage this process of skin renewal. The choice of treatment will depend on your skin type, age, and desired results. There will be a consultation with the practitioner to help each patient determine the best treatment for their desired results.

Best skin rejuvenation treatments at Sunny Aesthetic :

Intense pulsed light

IPL/photofacial (Intense pulsed light) is predominantly used to improve skin discoloration, rosacea, age spots, and loose skin. This treatment can be used for the face, neck, decollate, and hands. IPL uses intense wavelengths of light to produce heat that stimulates natural regeneration of skin and production of collagen.

PRP Microneedling

PRP Microneedling (also known as vampire face lift) is controlled micro-injections to the skin which stimulates a healing process. During the  healing process, healing cells migrate to the area being treated and creates skin rejuvenation. PRP ( Platelete rich plasma) is the plasma part of the blood which contain platelet cells that are an important role in the healing process, causing an increase production of collagen.

Microtox facial

Microtox facial is injecting or microneedling small amounts of Botox (or any neurotoxin) along with essential skin vitamins to improve skin texture, pores,
and scars.

Medical peel

Medical peel is an exfoliating treatment that removes the most superficial layer of the skin to rejuvenate surface cells. This is great simple skin treatment to help improve skin pigmentation, fine lines/wrinkles, and overall skin texture.

Erbium Laser

Erbium Laser resurfacing is designed to remove the superficial skin layer and replace it with new , smooth skin. This is one of the popular
treatments to remove the superficial layer of skin while simultaneously boost the collagen production in the deeper skin layer.
This laser will improve sun damage and fine lines/wrinkles.

Contact Information

Mon 1am – 6pm

Tue  11am – 6pm

Wen 11am – 6:30pm

Thu 11am – 6:30pm

Fri 11am – 6:30pm

Sat  11am – 2 pm

Sun Closed








11am – 6pm

11am – 6pm


11am – 6:30pm

11am – 6:30pm

11am – 2 pm
